Friday, April 30, 2010

Copycat Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole

So I got a call this week from the Hospitality Committee Chairperson from the kids' school that there was going to be a faculty breakfast to review the outcome of THE test...similiar to that of the TAKS test but called something else. I don't know what it's called because my kids don't take it til next year and it doesn't concern me right now. Anyway.... "Can you make a dish?" Sure! "Can you please also come and help set-up the breakfast by 7:45 am?" (UGH!) OK I'll be there. What to make? Something to feed 20 to 30 people. Egg dishes already covered & so was fruit & muffins & juice. I know! I'll make a HASHBROWN CASSEROLE. This dish is so yummy!!!! And so I made a BIG HONKING pan of it! hehe! This recipe I found online sometime last year. I first made it for the family for our Christmas Eve brunch. They said it was a keeper. It is a copycat recipe of the Cracker Barrel Restaurant Hashbrown Casserole. If you haven't tried this place you need to go. They have this great little gift shop in the front of the restaurant. It's country style cooking where they serve breakfast all day long and all dishes come with a side of this casserole. It is soooooo good! For dinner that night we had hashbrown casserole, eggs, ham steak & biscuits. Sorry but by that time I was tired and I wasn't gonna make gravy...if that's what you were thinking! We all ate til we were stuffed. May not be so good on the hips but delicious on the lips...LOL. You can find the recipe under My Recipes tab. YAY my first posting of a recipe! Enjoy it and let me know how you like it. :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Here are my 3 beautiful little bugs!

Lovebug 8 ~Ladybug 6 ~Doodlebug 2 1/2


I often refer to myself as this OLD MOTHER HEN because I am an older mother. I'm 42...not that that's really old but some days it sure feels like it! I'm still not sure if the kids keep me young or making me old faster with all the running around I do with them & for them.

We thought our family was complete with the two older kids and living life merrily everyday. Happy 40th Birthday to me! I'm pregnant! You see...our first two "bugs" are adopted from Guatemala. After years of infertility & treaments, we chose the adoption route to start our family when doctors finally said there is nothing more we can do for you. Well we have all heard the stories of couples who start their families through adoption and then awhile later finding themselves pregnant. NEVER NEVER in a million years did we ever think that would happen to us.

So Doodlebug was born in March 2008. He just turned 2. Add I might add that the "terrible 2's" have officially begun. More on that later.

I have pet names for my kids...I call my 7 1/2 yr old son LOVEBUG. My 5 1/2 year old daughter is LADYBUG. And my 2 year old baby boy is DOODLEBUG. There you have it...MOMSLOVEBUGS. Photos are coming!!! I promise.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More tidbits

...I'm not a coffee drinker...I am a Diet Pepsi & Diet Dr. Pepper addict...I sometimes let my kids have sugared junk for breakfast on a school day...I know I know bad Mommy but it's the great big "THANK YOU MOMMY for letting us have that" which makes my day. We have to let them have a little fun right? Oh c'mon you know you've done that too! Well enough about me...OH and DOVE chocolate my fav! :)

I'm still trying to figure all the ins & outs of blogging and setting up my page and customizing it. Stop by anytime with your Diet Pepsi or if you prefer Diet Coke and we'll sit & chit chat awhile.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This is me!

I am a wife of 20 yrs...I am an older mom to 3 very active kids...Love to travel...Favorite vacation spot is Grand Cayman Islands...I like collecting recipes & cookbooks...I like trying new recipes & adding my own twist to things...I like planning parties...I taught myself to sew...still learning but I can sew simple projects...I love handcrafted things...I am a Daisy Girl Scout leader...I am the Kindergarten room mom for my daughter's class...I am a volunteer at my kid's school...I spend too much time on FaceBook...I try to be organized...We have been to Disney World 7 times in 5 years...I don't like being late...I am not a morning person...I don't do dishes everyday...Laundry sometimes doesn't get put away for a week...I really LOVE homemade desserts.

Monday, April 26, 2010

What the heck is a blog?

Ok so I finally decided to start a Blog. What the heck is a Blog? I thought to myself one day not that long ago. Everyone had one and I wanted one too. So I started researching to find out what was a "blog" and WOW was I awe struck! I found some amazing stories & recipes & pictures & sewing tutorials & patterns & craft ideas! I definitely wanted to have one too. But why? I have been told by some good friends of mine that I have interesting things to say. Really? I guess. Didn't know I was that interesting. I have always been a good listener & give out good advice....I think or so I have been told. My good friend recently called me from her cell phone from across the country and said "I had to call and get my "Elisa fix"...haha! And I have always heard that I have good ideas about things like parties, recipes, kids, decorating & whatever else there was. Are these really good ideas or just my opinion on the way I like things? Well you be the judge. I want to use my Blog...I like the sound of share ideas & opinions about ALL those things! I have been reading alot of your blogs and have been inspired to start my own. THANK YOU! So here I am & here we go!!!